Save Settings  Control SmartAdmin Settings

Save layout changes in the database against your login

If you have the required permissions then when you change the SmartAdmin layout, rather than being tracked in local storage on your PC, the changes are updated against your login in the Sadj database, and reapplied when you refresh or switch the page.

You are not logged in, so you cannot save settings to the server. If you have not already done so, you can create your own personal login at Create Account and then save your settings to the server.

App Layout
Fixed Header header is in a fixed at all times
Fixed Navigation left panel is fixed
Minify Navigation Skew nav to maximize space
Hide Navigation roll mouse on edge to reveal
Top Navigation Relocate left pane to top
Fixed Footer page footer is fixed
Boxed Layout Encapsulates to a container
Fixed Background
Mobile Menu
Push Content Content pushed on menu reveal
No Overlay Removes mesh on menu reveal
Off-Canvas (beta) Content overlaps menu
Bigger Content Font content fonts are bigger for readability
High Contrast Text (WCAG 2 AA) 4.5:1 text contrast ratio
Daltonism (beta) color vision deficiency
Preloader Inside preloader will be inside content
SmartPanel Icons (not Panels) smartpanel buttons will appear as icons
Global Modifications
Clean Page Background adds more whitespace
Hide Navigation Icons invisible navigation icons
Disable CSS Animation Disables CSS based animations
Hide Info Card Hides info card from left panel
Lean Subheader distinguished page header
Hierarchical Navigation Clear breakdown of nav links
Dark Navigation Navigation background is darkend

Global Font Size
Change root font size to effect rem values (resets on page refresh)

Theme colors more info

Theme Modes (beta) why beta?
Internet Explorer Issue
This particular component may not work as expected in Internet Explorer. Please use with caution.