This uses standard Django forms, which most Django developers will be familiar with. Additionally, there are multiple forms on the page to perform different actions (add/edit/delete).
This page also links a select-box with the Django view by redirecting via the url parameters.
For Django data editing directly via ajax components see Edit in HTML Table (ajax)
Edit Existing Team Data Select team then edit or delete
Select Team
Afghanistan (AFG)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (ALG)
American Samoa (ASA)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (ANG)
Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ARU)
Australasia (ANZ)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahamas (BAH)
Bahrain (BRN)
Bangladesh (BAN)
Barbados (BAR)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BIZ)
Benin (BEN)
Bermuda (BER)
Bhutan (BHU)
Bohemia (BOH)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BOT)
Brazil (BRA)
British Virgin Islands (IVB)
Brunei (BRU)
Bulgaria (BUL)
Burkina Faso (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (CAM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CAY)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (CHA)
Chile (CHI)
China (CHN)
Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) (TPE)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros (COM)
Congo (Brazzaville) (CGO)
Congo (Kinshasa) (COD)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRC)
Cote d'Ivoire (CIV)
Crete (CRT)
Croatia (CRO)
Cuba (CUB)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Czechoslovakia (TCH)
Denmark (DEN)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
East Germany (GDR)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (ESA)
Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
Fiji (FIJ)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GAM)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (GER)
Ghana (GHA)
Great Britain (GBR)
Greece (GRE)
Grenada (GRN)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GUA)
Guinea (GUI)
Guinea Bissau (GBS)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HAI)
Honduras (HON)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Individual Olympic Athletes (IOA)
Indonesia (INA)
Iran (IRI)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kiribati (KIR)
Kosovo (KOS)
Kuwait (KUW)
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LAT)
Lebanon (LIB)
Lesotho (LES)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBA)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macedonia (MKD)
Madagascar (MAD)
Malawi (MAW)
Malaya (MAL)
Malaysia (MAS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Mauritania (MTN)
Mauritius (MRI)
Mexico (MEX)
Moldova (MDA)
Monaco (MON)
Mongolia (MGL)
Montenegro (MNE)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MYA)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NEP)
Netherlands (NED)
Netherlands Antilles (AHO)
New Zealand (NZL)
Newfoundland (NFL)
Nicaragua (NCA)
Niger (NIG)
Nigeria (NGR)
North Borneo (NBO)
North Korea (PRK)
North Yemen (YAR)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMA)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PLE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PAR)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHI)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (POR)
Puerto Rico (PUR)
Qatar (QAT)
Refugee Olympic Athletes (ROT)
Rhodesia (RHO)
Romania (ROU)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saar (SAA)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)
Samoa (SAM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tome and Principe (STP)
Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)
Seychelles (SEY)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SLO)
Solomon Islands (SOL)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (RSA)
South Korea (KOR)
South Sudan (SSD)
South Vietnam (VNM)
South Yemen (YMD)
Soviet Union (URS)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (SRI)
Sudan (SUD)
Suriname (SUR)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (SUI)
Syria (SYR)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TAN)
Thailand (THA)
Timor Leste (TLS)
Togo (TOG)
Tonga (TGA)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
Unified Team (EUN)
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United Arab Republic (UAR)
United States (USA)
United States Virgin Islands (ISV)
Unknown (UNK)
Uruguay (URU)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VAN)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VIE)
West Germany (FRG)
West Indies Federation (WIF)
Yemen (YEM)
Yugoslavia (YUG)
Zambia (ZAM)
Zimbabwe (ZIM)